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What health products should women eat?

Need to delay aging, maintain healthy skin and other functions: collagen protein powder, vitamin E and vitamin C.

 *Vitamin E is also called tocopherol. Women with premature ovarian failure can eat vitamin E. Proper vitamin E supplementation can remove free radicals in the body, improve women's skin, and restore women's skin elasticity.

* Collagen, which contains amino acids and other components, can prevent skin aging, improve circulation and blood circulation, and maintain the body at a healthy level. If the collagen is lost, the skin cells are not tightly arranged, and problems such as sagging skin and bags under the eyes appear. Women with uneven skin tone and increased pigmentation. The lack of skin collagen will lead to serious imbalance of skin nutrition, dull and uneven skin tone, spots and other conditions.

*Vitamin C, delays skin aging. At the same time, it can also inhibit the formation of melanin and play an anti-aging and whitening effect.

Author: gogoherbs

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