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维柏健– 健骨至尊葡萄糖胺软骨素胶囊(500/400毫克) + D3 [特强配方] 300粒(三樽或以上$260/樽)
$298.00原价为:$298.00。$265.00当前价格为:$265.00。 加入购物车 -
Kirkland Signature – 葡萄糖胺& 软骨素& MSM 500/400/400毫克300粒
$330.00原价为:$330.00。$258.00当前价格为:$258.00。 加入购物车 -
GNC – 女士每日营养包全面健康(综合维他命与矿物质, 鱼油, 银杏, 关节健康, 骨骼、美容及荷尔蒙配方, 抗氧化与循环, 消化酶) 30包
$550.00原价为:$550.00。$488.00当前价格为:$488.00。 加入购物车
1)葡萄糖胺2)软骨素3)非变性第二型胶原蛋白(UC-II / UC2) 4)水解二型胶原蛋白5)MSM6)蛋白聚糖7)橄榄多酚8)姜黄素9)猫爪藤
* 葡萄糖胺和软骨素是我们的软骨和结缔组织中存在的基础成份,同时亦是市面上最常见的关节保健品。
现代人生活节奏急速,想补充足够的葡萄糖胺和软骨素的话,最简单便捷的方法就莫过于吃优质的葡萄糖胺和软骨素营养补充品了!不少著名保健品牌更会在葡萄糖胺补充品中加入软骨素,让大家不用打乱生活节奏,一次过补充两种促进关节健康的营养,缓解和预防关节炎,同时吸取足够养份防止软骨退化。服用关节补充品时紧记遵照家庭医生或健康顾问指示,而且建议大家要持续地在每天的同一时间服用,以达到最佳的击退关节炎效果!不论你是关节痛患者,正寻找减低不适感的方法,还是希望防患于未然,服用关节保健产品都能帮助到你,GogoHerbs 搜罗了世界各地知名的关节产品,当中包括磷虾油、葡萄糖胺、软骨素等成份,有效补充关节所需营养,助你保持关节健康,还你活力!GogoHerbs网上保健品专门店提供全港送货服务,如果需要订购关节保健品,客人可以通过WhatsApp +852 5483 0695 向Gogo Herbs 客服咨询。
Joint Health
Arthritis refers to the inflammatory disease in one or more joints of the human body, with symptoms such as swelling and tenderness. It is the cartilage degeneration or inflammation of connective tissue that inflicts pain. There are generally three types of arthritis: degenerative arthritis, gouty arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Good habits can reduce the damage to your joints, such as 1) Wear knee pads, wristbands, and gloves to protect the joints and keep them warm; 2) Lose weight is a direct way to alleviate the burden on joints when necessary; 3) Don't maintain the same posture for too long, and avoid lifting heavy things or climbing stairs; 4) Shower on the painful joints with warm water to boost blood circulation and keep your joints soft (yet ice compress under acute situation); 5) Keep a balanced diet and supplement ample calcium if necessary.
Common health ingredients for joint
1) Glucosamine 2) Chondroitin 3) Undenatured Collagen Type II (uc-ii / UC2) 4) Hydrolyzed type II collagen 5)MSM 6) Proteoglycan 7) Olive polyphenols 8) Curcumin 9) Cat claw vine
* Glucosamine and Chondroitin are the essential component that exists in our cartilage, and it is also the most common health supplement that stimulates the growth of cartilage.
Joint Supplements
Given that we are all living a fast-paced life, the most convenient way to replenish an adequate amount of glucosamine and chondroitin will be getting help from health supplements! A variety of health supplement brands have blended chondroitin into their glucosamine formulas, making it possible to maintain healthy joints and cartilage by replenishing both essential nutrients at ease. When you are taking glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, do not forget to consult your doctor or a health consultant first. It is also crucial to take your supplement at the same time every day continuously! Whether you are a joint pain patient, trying to reduce discomfort, or just want to take precautions, taking related health care products will be helpful. GogoHerbs selects the top products from all over the world, including krill oil, glucosamine, Chondroitin and other ingredients, to help you supplement the nutrients needed by joints effectively to maintain joint health and restore your vitality! GogoHerbs provides Hong Kong delivery service. If you need to order joint supplements, you may contact Gogo Herbs customer service via WhatsApp +852 5483 0695.