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Life-tech Nano Film
納米口溶片採用全新可溶薄膜技術,只需將口溶片放於舌頭下含服,即可快速激活營養元素,減少咀嚼和吞嚥困難。每款口溶片包含不同營養補充劑,每次一片,即可提供所需營養。Gogo Herbs為您的健康生活提供最優質高效的產品。歡迎聯繫購買,Whatsapp +852 5483 0695
Life-tech Nano Film
Our team consists of pharmaceutical and wellness product development experts as well as scientific researchers. We are also the pioneering developer of novel drug delivery technology in the aim of providing easy to use and effective formula for patients and customers. The innovative oral soluble films are made in our FDA and cGMP certified facility with the unique features of fast activation, controlled-time release, precision dosing, effective absorption and better patient experience.
The nano film used revolutionary oral soluble film technology, just place one nano film under the tongue and allow it to dissolve, the nutritional elements will be quickly activated, this method can also reduce the difficulty of chewing or swallowing. Each nano film contains various nutritional supplement, one piece can provide the needed nutrition. Gogo Herbs provides the highest quality and efficient products for your healthy life. For ordering please contact: Whatsapp +852 5483 0695