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    Kirkland Signature – 维他命B12 1200微克360粒

    原价为:$250.00。当前价格为:$188.00。 加入购物车
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    【期短清货价】Kirkland Signature – 维他命D3 1000IU 360粒2件装

    原价为:$168.00。当前价格为:$78.00。 加入购物车
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    【期短清货价】Kirkland Signature – 维他命D3 1000IU 360粒

    原价为:$98.00。当前价格为:$48.00。 加入购物车
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    Kirkland Signature – 特强葡萄糖胺750毫克420粒

    原价为:$255.00。当前价格为:$220.00。 加入购物车
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    Kirkland Signature – 阿拉斯加野生三文鱼鱼油丸1200毫克320粒

    原价为:$298.00。当前价格为:$248.00。 加入购物车
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    Kirkland Signature – 辅酶Q10 100毫克300粒

    原价为:$370.00。当前价格为:$268.00。 加入购物车
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    Kirkland Signature – 钙片& 维他命D3 & 矿物质600毫克800IU 500片

    原价为:$198.00。当前价格为:$168.00。 加入购物车
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    Kirkland Signature – 辅酶Q10 200毫克225粒

    原价为:$438.00。当前价格为:$358.00。 加入购物车
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    Kirkland Signature – Omega-3 超浓缩深海鱼油丸1300mg 330粒装

    原价为:$350.00。当前价格为:$298.00。 加入购物车
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    Kirkland Signature – 葡萄糖胺& 软骨素& MSM 500/400/400毫克300粒

    原价为:$330.00。当前价格为:$258.00。 加入购物车

Kirkland Signature科克兰

于1995年初次面世的Kirkland Signature(科克兰)是美国著名批发公司Costco的自家品牌。 Costco向来因价钱相宜品质卓越而深获消费者喜爱,旗下的Kirkland Signature推出的营养补充品同样以性价比高见称! Kirkland Signature的营养补充品选择丰富:有助改善疲劳、提高细胞抗氧化能力的辅酶Q10;加快身体新陈代谢和维持心情愉悦的维他命C;对心血管和大脑认知健康非常有益的奥米加3;保护关节和软骨健康的葡萄糖胺;可促进眼睛和皮肤健康的三文鱼鱼油丸等。功能全面之外,Kirkland 的所有营养补充品均获USP认证,确保为您提供的都是纯正营养成份。 像大多数关节补充剂一样,Kirkland葡萄糖胺产品旨在解决关节疼痛以及老年人的类风湿关节炎等问题。目前,Kirkland Signature的皇牌关节补充品之一就是“Kirkland Signature – 葡萄糖胺& 软骨素& MSM”,此款保健品结合了3种顶级关节修复化合物的有效剂量,其中以葡萄糖胺为先导,这些化合物已成为治疗关节疾病的可靠天然疗法。另外,研究表明这些化合物可以治疗软骨和减轻类风湿关节炎的症状。 Gogo herbs 搜集多款Kirkland Signature经典保健品,如有需要请通过whatsapp +852 5483 0695 与我们的健康营养顾问联系,我们将针对您和家人的情况,度身订制个人化营养方案。 Gogo Herbs保健品专门店所提供的Kirkland 保健品均为原装正品,欢迎订购!

Kirkland Signature

First launched in 1995, Kirkland Signature is the house brand of the famous wholesale company Costco. The American brand has been long renowned for its low-price yet high-quality goods, which are also the features you could find in all of Kirkland Signature's products, including nutrient supplements. The vast variety of Kirkland Signature's health supplement is remarkable, including Coenzyme Q10 that helps ease tiredness and fight free oxidant, Vitamin C that boosts metabolism and uplift the mood, Omega-3 that promotes healthy blood vessels and a sharp brain, glucosamine that protects soft tissues between your bones and joints, Whole Fish Oil that boost vision and skin health. On top of their great variety, all health supplements produced by Kirkland are USP verified, making sure everything you take in is pure and pristine. Like most joint supplements, Kirkland glucosamine products aim to solve the increasing problem of joint pain and osteoarthritis among older people. Currently, one of the top joint products of this brand is the “Kirkland Signature – Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM” The Product is an efficient dose combination of 3 top-rated joint repairing compounds. With glucosamine , these gems have become a reliable natural treatment for joint conditions. In addition, studies show that these compounds could repair cartilage and relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis. Gogo Herbs offers a wide variety of Kirkland Signature's authentic bestsellers! And the Kirkland health products provided by Gogo Herbs are all authentic. You are welcome to contact our health consulting team via Whatsapp +852 5483 0695 for more details and your customized nutrition plan.
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