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1.多吃富含益生元类食物达到饮食平衡。日常饮食应含有足够的绿色蔬菜以及富含Omega-3脂肪酸的食物,例如鲑鱼。 2.少吃简单的碳水化合物或红肉。由于简单的碳水化合物含纤维较低,胃肠道很难吸收消化,所以最好吃含纤维高的复杂碳水化合物。红肉与炎症增加有关,所以食用量需要控制在最低水平。3.多吃发酵食品。像酸菜,泡菜,天贝,康普茶或者带有活菌的酸奶等发酵食品都富含益生菌,有助于益生菌在肠道处繁殖,提高消化能力,减少胀气、腹泻或便秘症状。4.补充益生菌。益生菌补充品有助于维持肠道和免疫系统健康。5.运动规律。运动可以调控压力,产生内啡肽,从而促进有益细菌的繁殖。
Gogo Herbs为您推荐维持肠道健康的产品,如维柏健– 300亿特强益生菌30粒,蕴含8种「好」的活性益生菌,为人体补充益生菌以抑制有害细菌,强化消化系统和免疫系统的功能,改善肠道菌群的失衡。还有GNC – 苹果醋复合精华120粒,能高效排清体内毒素,有助于稳定血糖,帮助体重管理,舒缓胃食道不适问题,支持消化系统健康。
在购买益生菌补充品时,我们需要注意并不是所有的益生菌都是一样的,其功效与菌株和剂量相关。比如用于治疗腹胀的益生菌不一定能预防克罗恩氏症。因此在购买前建议咨询专业的医护人员,并请仔细阅读产品标签,辨别菌株种类及其功效。切记细菌衍生的益生菌应与抗生素的服用时间间隔至少2小时。服用禁忌请询问医生或者营养师,Gogo Herbs 专业的在线客服团队也可以帮助您选择最适合的益生菌、补充剂以及饮食方案,从而改善肠胃健康,请随时与我们联系WhatsApp +852 5483 0695 。
Gut Health
The main entrance for bacteria to the human body is the intestine. The intestine is an important digestive organ of the human body, and the longest section too. If you want to keep your intestines healthy, a balanced diet is the most significant step. Doctors also recommend active probiotics and healthy foods containing dietary fiber.
Good Habits to Improve Gut Health
1. Have a well-balanced diet rich in prebiotic foods. Your daily meal should include plenty of leafy greens along with omega-3 fatty-acid-rich foods like salmon. 2. Limited intake of simple carbohydrates and red meats. Simple carbohydrates are low in fibre,making it hard for the GI tract to digest and absorb, so we need complex carbohydrates that are high in fibre. Red meat has been associated with increased inflammation so it is best to keep consumption at a minimum. 3. Eat fermented foods. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, kombucha, and yogurts with live cultures are full of probiotics to help keep the good bacteria in your gut thriving. They may also help you digest better resulting in reductions in bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. 4. Take Probiotics. A probiotic supplement may also help support your GI tract and immune systems. 5. Exercise regularly. Exercise helps to promote good bacteria by relaxing and by helping produce endorphins.
Probiotics Supplements
Gogo Herbs recommends products to maintain your intestinal health, such as Webber Naturals – Probiotic 30 Billion 30 soft gels, which contain 8 kinds of “good” active probiotics, supplement the human body with probiotics to inhibit harmful bacteria, strengthen the digestive system and the function of the immune system, and improve the imbalance of intestinal flora. There are also Charenda Acai Berry 4000 Concentrated Essence Tablets. Acai Berry is a rich source of dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent digestive system diseases.
When buying probiotic supplements, note that not all probiotics are the same, and the benefits will differ by strain and dose. This means that the probiotic that can treat bloating may not necessarily prevent Crohn's disease. So, It is also advisable to consult a healthcare provider before you take probiotic supplements. Lastly, note that taking bacteria-derived probiotics and antibiotics should be separated by at least 2 hours. You may consult your doctor or nutritionist while Gogo Herbs professional online customer service team can also help you choose which probiotics, supplements and diet plan are most suitable for you to adjust your gastrointestinal health, please feel free to contact us on WhatsApp +852 5483 0695.