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Kirkland Signature – 鈣片 & 維他命 D3 & 礦物質 600毫克 800IU 500片
$198.00原價為:$198.00。$168.00目前價格為:$168.00。 加入購物車 -
Kirkland Signature – 葡萄糖胺 & 軟骨素 & MSM 500/400/400毫克 300粒
$330.00原價為:$330.00。$258.00目前價格為:$258.00。 加入購物車
Kirkland Signature科克蘭
於1995年初次面世的Kirkland Signature(科克蘭)是美國著名批發公司Costco的自家品牌。Costco向來因價錢相宜品質卓越而深獲消費者喜愛,旗下的Kirkland Signature推出的營養補充品同樣以性價比高見稱!Kirkland Signature的營養補充品選擇豐富:有助改善疲勞、提高細胞抗氧化能力的輔酶Q10;加快身體新陳代謝和維持心情愉悅的維他命C;對心血管和大腦認知健康非常有益的奧米加3;保護關節和軟骨健康的葡萄糖胺;可促進眼睛和皮膚健康的三文魚魚油丸等。功能全面之外,Kirkland 的所有營養補充品均獲USP認證,確保為您提供的都是純正營養成份。
kirkland 葡萄糖胺
像大多數關節補充劑一樣,Kirkland葡萄糖胺產品旨在解決關節疼痛以及老年人的類風濕關節炎等問題。目前,Kirkland Signature的皇牌關節補充品之一就是“Kirkland Signature – 葡萄糖胺 & 軟骨素 & MSM”,此款保健品結合了3種頂級關節修復化合物的有效劑量,其中以葡萄糖胺為先導,這些化合物已成為治療關節疾病的可靠天然療法。另外,研究表明這些化合物可以治療軟骨和減輕類風濕關節炎的症狀。 Gogo herbs 搜集多款Kirkland Signature經典保健品,如有需要請通過whatsapp +852 5483 0695 與我們的健康營養顧問聯繫,我們將針對您和家人的情況,度身訂製個人化營養方案。Gogo Herbs保健品專門店所提供的Kirkland 保健品均為原裝正品,歡迎訂購!Kirkland Signature
First launched in 1995, Kirkland Signature is the house brand of the famous wholesale company Costco. The American brand has been long renowned for its low-price yet high-quality goods, which are also the features you could find in all of Kirkland Signature’s products, including nutrient supplements. The vast variety of Kirkland Signature’s health supplement is remarkable, including Coenzyme Q10 that helps ease tiredness and fight free oxidant, Vitamin C that boosts metabolism and uplift the mood, Omega-3 that promotes healthy blood vessels and a sharp brain, glucosamine that protects soft tissues between your bones and joints, Whole Fish Oil that boost vision and skin health. On top of their great variety, all health supplements produced by Kirkland are USP verified, making sure everything you take in is pure and pristine.