敬請留意: Gogo Herbs 產品只寄送香港境內


顯示所有 17 個結果

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    維柏健 – 特級薑黃素精華 500毫克 120粒素食膠囊

    原價為:$298.00。目前價格為:$238.00。 加入購物車
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    GNC – TriFlex™ 速效關節配方 240粒

    原價為:$398.00。目前價格為:$360.00。 加入購物車
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    【單件8折】Charenda – 靈芝破壁孢子蟲草膠囊(添加薑黃素) 90粒

    原價為:$498.00。目前價格為:$398.00。 加入購物車
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    【單件9折】aXimed – 強效薑黃素 (薑黃素C3複合物 + aXivite™) 60粒

    原價為:$438.00。目前價格為:$394.00。 加入購物車
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    GNC – MEGA MEN® 全面健康 男士綜合維他命營養健康包 30包

    原價為:$798.00。目前價格為:$650.00。 閱讀全文
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    GNC – MEGA MEN® 50+男士綜合維他命營養健康包 30包

    原價為:$550.00。目前價格為:$468.00。 加入購物車




增美神維柏健等品牌現已推出具有配方獨特、效果迅速的胺基葡萄糖補充劑。維柏健的葡萄糖胺憑藉先進的配方,專門改善關節健康和改善其功能,其中關節健骨寶多合一膠囊就是一個不錯的選擇。它結合了草藥和天然提取物,對於關節有強效的抗炎和再生功效。大多數葡萄糖胺補充劑產品都與軟骨素及MSM等其它能保護關節的補充劑結合使用,以提高其關節修復效果。Gogo Herbs線上保健品網店高銷量的葡萄糖胺補充劑有:1.維柏健 – 葡萄糖胺 & 軟骨素 & MSM – 高效配方可緩解與骨關節炎相關的關節疼痛。2.Kirkland Signature 特強葡萄糖胺 – 含有高含量的葡萄糖胺,有助於關節修復和再生。Gogo Herbs精選優質葡萄糖胺補充品,助您輕鬆護養關節,繼續隨心所動!如有任何疑問,歡迎通過WhatsApp +852 5483 0695咨詢專業營養和健康團隊。




薑黃素成分天然安全,適合熟齡人士日常補充。Gogo Herbs 優選多款進口薑黃素保健品, 例如aXimed – 強效薑黃素 採用優質的薑黃素C3複合物配方,加入aXivite™超級助劑增強吸收,高效緩解關節疼痛。另外還能提升肝臟和腦部健康,安撫腸胃。PROCUMIN – 降尿酸天然薑黃配方,含有芹菜籽、薑黃和櫻桃濃縮成分,消炎鎮痛同時促進尿酸排出,抑制尿酸堆積,從而控制痛風的反應。 Gogo Herbs所有產品均為本港現貨,務求做到本地網購,即時送貨。如你在購物過程中遇到任何健康或產品相關的問題,可通過 WhatsApp +852 5483 0695 聯繫我們,我們專業營養學和醫學團隊熱情為你服務。


Curcumin is a natural ingredient extracted from ginger. Its anti-inflammation and anti-bacteria effect can prevent inflammation from developing to chronic condition and relieve joint pain and headache. Curcumin contains natural strong antioxidant that helps build the skin barrier against external stimuli and also delay aging. Apart from that, taking adequate amount of curcumin is beneficial for heart health and emotional health. The most common food sources of curcumin are ginger, yellow mustard, and curry. Cooking them  with meat and fat can improve the absorption by human body. On one hand, curcumin has a spicy taste, on the other hand, curcumin easily losses through the complex digestion and metabolism process, which obstruct the absorption of curcumin taken from food. Therefore, taking high-absorption formulated supplement is a more effective way to take in curcumin. Curcumin is natural and safe to take daily for people at mature age. Gogo Herbs selected several   quality curcumin imported health products, such as aXimed – Potent Curcumin, adopting high -absorption complex formula curcumin C3, adding aXivite™ Super adjuvant to optimize the absorption and possibly relieves joint discomfort in a week. It can improve liver and brain function and calms the irritated stomach. PROCUMIN–Uric Acid Natural Turmeric Formula, containing condensed essence of celery seeds, turmeric, and cherries, which reduces inflammation and relieves pain while promoting uric acid excretion. As a result, the uric acid accumulation is hindered and gout reaction will be soothed. All health products of Gogo Herbs are in stock in HK, achieving speed delivery for local orders. If you have any question on health or product when you shop, please do not hesitate to contact us by WhatsApp+852 5483 0695. Our professional nutrition and medical team will be happy to serve you.
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