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如要關愛家人及朋友,在選購維他命的時候需要有基礎的保健知識,了解不同的維他命有什麼作用。比如維他命A有利於保護視力;而維他命B雜是天然的抗氧化劑,其中維他命B1幫助能量代謝,維他命B3幫助緩解疲勞,維他命B5會幫助維持腦力,維他命B12可改善貧血;維他命C可提升免疫力及對抗壞血症;維他命D能讓人體更好地吸收鈣;維他命E則是抗氧化劑,對於保持肌膚健康有明顯作用。Gogo Herbs精選一系列綜合維他命補充品,讓您和家人輕鬆補充日常生活中較難攝取充足的維他命,快速為身體打打氣!
Vitamin is a well-known organic compound. It neither provides us with energy like other nutrients nor it can be synthesized by the human body. But it is vital for health, for it can strengthen the immune system, reduce the chance of being sick, and speed up recovery by promoting metabolism. What’s more, it helps to relieve stress and keep up the mood. Vitamins need to be ingested from a balanced diet, but most Hong Kong citizens have irregular dietaries and are under the pressure from work and study without sufficient Vitamin B, thus “subhealth” becomes a common phenomenon.
The role of vitamins
To pamper your family members and friends, you should get to know some basic health knowledge and understand the effects of different vitamins when buying vitamin products. For example, vitamin A helps to protect eyesight, and vitamin B complex is a natural antioxidant, as vitamin B1 helps to improve energy metabolism, vitamin B3 helps to relieve fatigue, vitamin B5 helps to improve brain function, and vitamin B12 helps to cure nutrient anemia. Vitamin C can improve immunity and fight scurvy, Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium more effectively, and vitamin E is an antioxidant, which means it has a significant effect on keeping the skin healthy. Gogo Herbs selects many vitamin supplements with superior quality that are ideal for you and your family to replenish vitamins easily, boost your immunity, and make you more energetic throughout the day.
Vitamin Supplement
The epidemic in Hong Kong is spreading and strengthening immunity can reduce the risk of infection. Vitamins are an indispensable part of the process of strengthening immunity. In addition to a balanced diet, supplementary vitamins are also very necessary in daily life. Gogo Herbs health provides Swisse vitamin, Jamieson vitamin, Centrum multivitamins and other high-quality products. You are welcome to contact and order on WhatsApp at +852 5483 0695.