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益生菌對人體健康有著無可取代的重要性,而益生元(prebiotics)就是益生菌的食物來源,是它們存活和繁衍的關鍵。然而,在不均衡的飲食習慣下,益生元攝入過少,使得人體的益生菌減少,此外服用抗生素藥物、喝酒及緊張高壓的現代生活都可能破壞腸道中益生菌和病原菌的平衡,影響消化系統和腸道健康。益生菌包括部分桿菌和酵母菌,以及80%的乳酸菌,能夠抑制潛在的病原菌,增強腸道屏障功能,抑制炎症及調節免疫反應,促進腸胃道和免疫系統健康。 兒童益生菌補充品的形式有粉末狀,片劑,膠囊和軟膠囊。因為該補充品主要是針對兒童的健康,所以被製成可咀嚼的片劑,以迎合兒童的口味。如今,食品行業在許多嬰幼兒配方奶粉都添加了益生菌,一些供應商甚至在兒童的早餐麥片、零食棒和果汁中都添加了益生菌,以增強他們的身體素質。另外,益生菌還存在於一些發酵食品和豆製品中,包括泡菜、酸奶、奶酪、味噌和豆豉。 要迅速補充益生菌,可根據自己的情況選擇合適的益生菌補充劑,如孕婦益生菌、兒童益生菌等產品。益生菌補充劑中值得推薦的有Jamieson益生菌產品,能有效改善體內菌群生態,是你保持健康與活力的法寶。Jamieson – 純天然益生菌 100億 加量裝 130粒片:配方中含有有 14種獨特益生菌,提供不少於100億株的乳雙歧桿菌,有助平衡腸道菌群種類,幫助腸胃消化。維柏健 – 300億特強益生菌: 本產品特別採用先進微膠囊技術,有效保存益生菌於室溫的數量及活性,發揮最大功效,蘊含8種「好」的活性益生菌,為人體補充益生菌以抑制有害細菌,強化消化系統和免疫系統的功能,專為長期因消化不良所致胃氣、腹脹、偶發性便秘和腸道不適的人士而設。Gogo Herbs保健品專門店精選Jamieson、維柏健、GNC等品牌益生菌補充品,所有益生菌保健品均為原產地進口,港倉現貨,歡迎聯繫WhatsApp +852 5483 0695 諮詢訂購!


Probiotics is vital to human health, and prebiotics is the food source for probiotics to survive and multiply. However, the unbalanced diet makes people lack prebiotics and reduces the number of probiotics in the human body. In addition, taking antibiotics, drinking, and mental stress may disrupt the balance of probiotics and pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, which makes negative effects on the digestive system and intestinal health. Probiotics include bacilli, yeasts, and 80% of lactic acid bacteria, which inhibit potential pathogenic bacteria, enhance the intestinal barrier function, inhibit inflammation and regulate the response of the immune system, and make the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system healthier.

Probiotics supplements are available in powders, tablets, capsules and gel capsules. Due to their health benefits for children, they are manufactured into chewable fun tablets for the pleasure of kids. In the food industry today, many infant formulas are fortified with probiotics. Some manufacturers even add these “good” bacteria to kids’ breakfast cereal, snack bars, and juice to fortify their health. More so, probiotics can be naturally found in some fermented foods and soy products. These foods include kimchi, yogurt, cheese, miso and tempeh.

To replenish probiotics more effectively, you could choose probiotic supplements that suit you, such as probiotics for pregnant women, probiotics for children, etc. And some probiotic products such as Jamieson’s probiotic supplements and so on can balance the ecology of flora in the human body effectively with negligible side effects, and that’s the key to staying healthy and youthful. Childrens Natural Cherry Flavoured Probiotics: This chewable, naturally cherry-flavored tablet would be able to gain the affection of kids! The formula consists of 5 unique probiotic strains, providing 5 billion active probiotics to balance the intestinal. The tablet can also help strengthen the immune system of children. Webber Naturals – Probiotic 30 Billion: With its advanced microencapsulation technology, this supplement is guaranteed potent. Containing eight strains of friendly bacteria to support healthy intestinal flora, digestive health, and immune system, the formula helps manage digestive discomforts like gas, bloating, and bowel irregularities. Gogo Herbs offer probiotic supplements from Jamieson, Webber Naturals and other named brands. We offer originally imported products at reasonable prices with Hong Kong delivery. Please contact us via WhatsApp +852 5483 0695 for more details.

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