

  • 優惠!

    Swisse – Luminous Beauty 亮膚御光雪肌亮膚精華丸 30粒

    原價為:$250.00。目前價格為:$199.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – Ultiboost 複合維他命B雜 60片

    原價為:$198.00。目前價格為:$138.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – 三合一熱控丸 60片

    原價為:$298.00。目前價格為:$250.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – 男士50+綜合維他命 90片

    原價為:$268.00。目前價格為:$180.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – Ultiboost 迷你鈣 + 維他命D 300片

    原價為:$138.00。目前價格為:$108.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – 高濃度維他命C泡騰片 1000毫克 60片

    原價為:$120.00。目前價格為:$98.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – 女士50+綜合維他命 90片

    原價為:$268.00。目前價格為:$180.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – 女士綜合維他命 120片

    原價為:$268.00。目前價格為:$180.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – Ultiboost 濃縮蔓越莓 30粒

    原價為:$128.00。目前價格為:$88.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – Beauty 葡萄籽 14250毫克 180片

    原價為:$150.00。目前價格為:$118.00。 加入購物車
  • 優惠!

    Swisse – 男士綜合維他命 120片

    原價為:$268.00。目前價格為:$180.00。 加入購物車


來自澳洲墨爾本的Swisse多年來致力嚴選高質原料,為大眾提供優質的健康食品、維他命補充品和護膚品。除了用料矜貴之外,Swisse品牌突出的特色在於擁有龐大的科研團隊,同時與知名藥物研究所合作,確保每款產品都能成功發揮其功效。 近年來,眾多“以美容為中心”的天然品牌湧現,Swisse就是其中之一,專注於豐富地選用維他命、抗氧化劑和其他天然原料來配製其獨特的抗衰老配方。在愛美的女士們對高端抗衰老產品的需求不斷增長的今天,Swisse推出了高效能的Swisse 金裝抗糖煥膚片 60粒,以幫助女性重新煥發自然美。Swisse – 膠原蛋白護髮護膚護甲片 100片 是Swisse美容系列最受追捧的產品之一,隨著年齡的增長,年紀大的女士自然而然失去了諸如生物素,維他命C,鐵,鋅等營養素,因此,Swisse為她們提供了這種獨特配方來補充身體所需的關鍵營養素,以保持充滿光澤的頭髮和堅韌的指甲。 Gogo Herbs特別為大家精選了多款暢銷的Swisse美容保健品,當中包括彈滑肌膚最愛的Swisse膠原蛋白肽發光片、抗氧化功效顯著又能增強免疫力的Swisse – Beauty 葡萄籽、擊退面部泛黃又能緩和消化不良的Ultiboost 護肝排毒片等。讓您透過調理好身體,由內美至外,天天都健康又容光喚發!歡迎通過WhatsApp +852 5483 0695 向Gogo Herbs 客服諮詢詳情。


Swisse from Melbourne, Australia has been committed to carefully selecting high-quality raw materials for many years to provide the public with high-quality health food, vitamin supplements and skin care products. In addition to the expensive materials, the biggest feature of the Swisse brand is that it has a huge scientific research team, and at the same time cooperates with famous drug research institutes to ensure that each product can effectively convey its due effect. Swisse is one of the many “beauty-focused” natural brands to have emerged over the years. The brand focuses on the abundant use of vitamins, antioxidants and other natural ingredients to formulate its unique anti-ageing formula. Since many beauty-conscious ladies are constantly in demand for high-end anti-ageing products, Swisse has responded with its potent Swisse – Skin Regeneration+ 60 capsules to boost natural beauty. The Swisse – Hair Skin Nail+ is one of the most sought-after in the Swisse beauty collection. Due to ageing, older women naturally lose nutrients like biotin, vitamin C, iron, zinc, etc. Therefore, Swisse offers this unique formula to replenish the body with key nutrients needed to maintain lustrous hair and strong nails. Gogo Herbs has specially selected a number of Swisse’s best-selling beauty and health care products for you, including collagen peptide luminescent tablets, which are the favorite for smooth skin, Swisse – Beauty Grape Seed with significant antioxidant effect and immunity enhancement, Ultiboost Liver Detoxification Tablets, which can slow down facial yellowing and relieve indigestion. Let’s adjust the body from the inside out to be healthy and radiant every day! Please feel free to consult our professional nutrition and health team on Whatsapp +852 5483 0695.
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