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1932年,Maurice Blackmore創辦Blackmores,經過80多年的發展,Blackmores已成為澳洲天然保健品品牌的翹楚。Blackmore在30年代關於天然保健品的認識非凡而超前,他對於健康、預防醫學、可持續發展和環境的見解至今仍被大眾所認可,對未來也會有深遠的影響。澳佳寶通過與世界一流的供應商合作,獲得了符合嚴格要求的原料,為自己生產了對人類和動物有益的產品而自豪。澳佳寶也極其重視可持續發展,他們的包裝98%都是可回收利用的,且更多地選用玻璃容器而非塑料製品。
Gogo Herbs 精選Blackmores皇牌產品包括:能舒緩月經前症後群不適、又能減輕更年期症狀的女士恩物——Blackmores月見草油膠囊;蘊含豐富Omega-3、能保護視力與心臟健康的高純度無腥味BLACKMORES – 無腥味魚油;富含葡萄糖胺、可刺激軟骨再生保護關節健康的護養關節配方等。所有Blackmores保健品均為原產地進口,價格優惠,全港送達,歡迎聯繫WhatsApp +852 5483 0695 諮詢訂購!
Blackmores was established in the 1930s in Queensland, Australia. This renowned Australian brand is the pioneer in natural healthcare products and has been delivering innovative and reliable products made delicately from natural herbs and minerals. The company also pays close attention to the production procedure, making sure that the environment is well protected so that we can enjoy the best health supplements from the purest and cleanest ingredients and production plant.
Founded by Maurice Blackmore in 1932, Blackmores has been a leader in Australian natural health for more than 80 years. Blackmore’s ideas on natural health in the 1930s were nothing short of radical as his views on health, preventative medicine, sustainability, and the environment are still valid at present and even in the future. Blackmore prides itself on quality, for both humans and pets, by working with some of the world’s leading raw suppliers that meet Blackmore’s strict ingredient policy and quality standards. Blackmores is also highly committed to sustainability with its packaging being 98% recyclable and often coming in glass containers versus plastic.
Gogo Herbs has brought to you some of the best products from Blackmores, including Evening Primrose Oil tablets, Odourless Fish Oil tablets, and Advanced Joint Formula tablets. Evening Primrose Oil contains a high level of Omega 6 and is a useful aid when it comes to menstruation cramps and menopause symptoms. The rich odorless fish oil is rich in Omega 3 which could protect both your vision and heart. The Advanced Joint Formula has a significant amount of glucosamine, which can help activate the reborn of soft tissues and protect both your joints and bones from deteriorating. We offer originally imported products with reasonable price and Hong Kong delivery. Please contact us via Whatsapp +852 5483 0695 for more details.