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The Difference Between Health Supplement and Medical Products

The Difference Between Health Supplement and Medical Products

Wellbeing has been the hottest topic for city dwellers in the past few years. More and more of us have enrolled in yoga classes, boxing classes, and all kinds of fitness classes. More and more of us are trying out new dietary habits to attain ideal health conditions. The fact that many of us are taking health supplements is hard to miss. The most frequent question raised by people new to health supplements is how different a health supplement and a medical product are? We will be looking into this question today!

Why Do We Need Health Supplement?

Some people might think that we can sufficiently obtain nutrition through our daily intake of natural food, and there is no need for one to take the laboratory-made supplement to maintain health. Yet, absorbing sufficient nutrition from our daily diet might be easier said than done. A survey conducted by Hong Kong Hospital Authority suggested, about 50% of surveyed white collars are keeping an unhealthy diet habit, with 21.6% of interviewees admitting that they do not have three square meals daily. Data from the United States Department of Agriculture in 2011 showed that Hong Kong’s meat consumption per capita rank first in the world. The Behavioural Risk Factor Survey conducted by the Department of Health of Hong Kong also showed that 81% surveyed population eats less than five portions of fruit every day, indicating that most people consume too much meat but too few vegetables. Besides, the heavy intake of processed meat also shown that a vast majority of Hong Kong people have rather unhealthy dietary habits. Moreover, with more people bearing food allergies, following specific diet plans, or undergoing weight control, obtaining sufficient nutrition through our daily diet might be more challenging than we assumed.

What is the Difference Between Health Supplement and Medical Products

Although the packaging might look similar, a health supplement and a medical product is a different product! The main difference lies in the purpose of such a product. For medical products, its function is to act as a cure to diseases. Medical products are produced under the strict regulation of the Food and Drug Administration to ensure product safety. Moreover, most medical products require various clinical trials before production. Different chemical substances in the laboratory are the ingredients of medical products, and it is not suitable for people to take continuously. Overdosing will turn medicine into poison. Therefore be careful on the dose too when you are taking a medical product.

On the other hand, health supplement serves a prevention purpose. The function of health supplements is to regulate body function. It can also complement the body with the nutrition that we are lack from our daily dietary and exercise habits. Health supplements are under the supervision of the food safety authorities. The main ingredients in health supplements are natural herbal essences, and it usually causes less side effects. It takes a longer time to see the benefits of a health supplement. Therefore follow usage direction closely so you can attain a healthier body gradually!

Channels to Purchase Health Supplements

When purchasing a health supplement, choose a health supplement platform supervised by the nutritionist, with a good reputation, and sells at a bargain price would be the ideal place! Customers are encouraged to contact the professional nutritionist team via Gogo Herbs’ WhatsApp when they have inquiries about picking the precise health supplement. With the price comparison function, you can also compare selling prices at Gogo Herbs and other retail sites over the same product!

Michael Yeung
Author: Michael Yeung

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