Feline Natural – Staple Cat Canned Beef Feast 170g
Feline Natural – Canned Food Beef Feast 170g
Feline Natural – 主食貓罐頭 牛肉盛宴產自新西蘭,採用最高質的天然無菌生肉(天然野外放牧草飼牛/羊/鹿),以獨特冷凍乾燥技術凍乾,以最大程度保留食材的美味和營養。罐頭附合AAFCO要求,無添加肉粉、加工骨粉、榖物、食品添加劑、防腐劑凝膠、卡拉膠等可能傷害寵物身體的成份,保證貓咪食得開心健康。富含的蛋白質、脂肪、鈣質、維他命、礦物質、植物營養素、酵素、微量原素有助改善貓皮膚搔癢、過敏、淚腺、嘴巴與身體異味問題,同時減少贅肉和腸胃脹氣,精實體態和促進腸胃健康。額外添加新西蘭特有的青口,提供足夠貓咪所需的奧米加-3、葡萄糖胺及軟骨素,打造強健有韌性的關節和軟骨,有助預防關節炎的發生與老化。
Raw ingredients:
Beef, water, tripe, heart, kidney, spleen, liver, blood, New Zealand green mussels, fish oil, flaxseed flakes, sunflower oil, potassium sulfate, dried kelp, salt, taurine, vitamins E supplement, magnesium oxide, zinc protein, copper protein, manganese protein, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid
Nutritional analysis:
Crude protein (minimum) ———————— 7.5%
Crude fat (minimum) —————————— 7.5%
粗纖維(最高) —————————— 1.6%
水分(最高) ——————————— 82%
牛磺酸(最低) —————————– 0.06 %
熱量 ———————————- 191千卡/罐
Recommended feeding methods:
– 每 3 公斤貓體重每天餵 1 罐
– 建議食量只供參考性質,請根據貓咪的體型和活動量來餵飼
– 正在懷孕或哺乳的母貓及幼貓的食量最多為成貓的2-3倍
– Please provide fresh drinking water at all times
– 未開封的請存放於陰涼乾燥處
– 已開封的請存放雪櫃並在3天內食用完畢
Expiry Date :
July 4, 2025
* This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claims made for this product have not been evaluated for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
* This product is shipped directly from overseas. The manufacturer will change the product packaging from time to time, and the website also needs time to be updated. Therefore, the pictures are for reference only, and everything is subject to the actual product.
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