Front Porch Pecans
Pecan is one of the most popular nuts in the world. Despite its tiny size, pecan is a treasure hunt that contains numerous vital nutrients! This small but mighty nut contains not only healthy fat that would not harm one’s cholesterol level but also protein, carotene, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron. On top of that, a variety of vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin E could also be found in pecan. Eating an appropriate amount of pecan is especially beneficial to the brain by enhancing memory. While its antioxidant properties also help one to attain healthy skin and hair. Based in Georgia, United States, Front Porch Pecans is famous for its crunchy and well seasoned whole pecan snacks. The brand has their family farm where they grow all the pecan to guarantee consistently high quality. Every pecan is carefully roasted and seasoned before going on the shelf, making it possible for everyone to enjoy the best pecan! A carefully selected collection of Front Porch Pecans is now available in Gogo Herbs, where you can always get access to delicious and healthy snacks.