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Healthy Fruit-Cranberry|Kakadu Plum|Acai|Celery Seed|Pomegranate Seed

Cranberry|Kakadu Plum|Acai berry|Celery seed|Pomegranate seeds-5 Highly Nutritious Fruits with Medical Benefits 

The nutritional value and medical benefits contained in the fruits, herbs or herbal roots we consume daily are part of nature's gifts to us. Nowadays, some supplement companies also take active ingredients from plant-based raw materials as important ingredients in their products. Whether it is freshly eaten, squeezed out of juice or as a food supplement, high-nutrient fruits can bring countless benefits to your health. They can also be made into healthy snacks, providing a viable option for those who want to lose weight.

Cranberry|Kakadu Plum|Acai berry|Celery seed|Pomegranate seeds-5 Highly Nutritious Fruits with Medical Benefits  Read More »

The positive effects of coenzyme Q10 on human health

Health Benefits of Coenzyme Q10

Unlike vitamins, chondroitin, probiotics, or fish oil, coenzyme Q10 might not be a well-known name, yet its nutritional value is nothing less than other famous nutrition! Most of our organs rely on coenzyme Q10 to function well! Curious about what is coenzyme Q10? How can our body benefit from coenzyme Q10? And most important, how can we obtain coenzyme Q10?

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Recommended nutritional diet and health supplements for young children

Health Supplement and Food Recommendations for Infancy Aged 1-4 Years Old

0-6 years old is a crucial stage for infancy and kids development, and some even point out that 1-4 years old is the most important stage for a child. At this stage, infancy will learn to stand, walk, eat independently, talk, and imitate. The intelligence, character, sensory perception of the child will also develop gradually at this stage. Apart from mental development, focusing more on nutrition intake could also guarantee a healthier physique when toddlers grow up! So your child can fearlessly discover all the possibilities from infinity to beyond.

Health Supplement and Food Recommendations for Infancy Aged 1-4 Years Old Read More »

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Common Health Issues of Elderly and Guide to Senior Wellness

The rapid development of medical science promotes longevity. Yet, aging is still an unavoidable issue. As we age, our body might not be functioning in the same way as it used to. Hong Kong is a well-known longevity city. To raise the quality of life of one’s elderly life, why not learn more about the common health issues of the elderly and ways to promote senior wellness!

Common Health Issues of Elderly and Guide to Senior Wellness Read More »

Finger joint pain

What to do with painful finger joints?

When you wake up in the morning and find your fingers are red, swollen and painful, you think it is just the aging phenomenon caused by moving your fingers for many years, so you ignore it and think that the swelling will subside after a while? In fact, if the left and right hands feel swelling and pain at the same time, it is likely to be a sign of joint abrasion! According to a survey released by the Chinese University last year, only 56% of the respondents who experienced joint pain symptoms will actively deal with joint discomfort. If symptoms appear but ignore them, once the joint is damaged, it cannot be recovered, and in severe cases, it will even lose the ability to move!

What to do with painful finger joints? Read More »

How to choose health products

How To Choose Health Supplement

The best source of nutrition is no doubt natural food. Yet, easier said than done, with all the unhealthy diet habits city dwellers are acquiring, getting enough nutrients from food gets harder than we thought. If you find it hard to have three square meals a day, meat takes a larger portion on your plate than vegetables, or eating out a lot, taking health supplements might be an approachable way to get those nutrients you cannot get from your food. With all kinds of health supplements available on the market, we recommend everyone consider these criteria before buying any health supplements.

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Jamieson recommended health products

Jamieson health product introduction and popular product recommendation

The ongoing pandemic made people recognize the importance of health. Yet, life goes on, and we all live a busy life even under the pandemic. Health supplement might be your cheat sheet to attain good health when three square meals nor eight hours of quality sleep is not guaranteed. Today, we will be introducing Jamieson , a renowned health supplement brand that is well-loved by everyone looking for a good health supplement !

Jamieson health product introduction and popular product recommendation Read More »

Gut health affects overall health

How Your Gastrointestinal Health Affects Your Overall Health

The structure of the gut/GI tract is undeniably complex, and recent research reports that gut health can affect our overall health. Reports have linked an unhealthy gut to many diseases, such as emotional problems, autoimmune diseases, and more. So, what does an unhealthy gut look like? Why is it so closely related to our health?

How Your Gastrointestinal Health Affects Your Overall Health Read More »

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