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10 Foods That Are Healthy for Children

10 Foods That Are Healthy for Children

As parents and caregivers, we have a responsibility to cook foods that are healthy for children. This is because good food plays a vital role in children's health. It provides them with the nutrients necessary for their growth, development, and overall well-being. 

Thus, the foods we cook should not only be delicious but also packed with essential nutrients that support our children's health.

In this article, we'll explore ten foods that are exceptionally healthy for children, each offering a unique set of vitamins, minerals, and energy to help them thrive.

1. Fruits

Fruits are a natural source of essential vitamins, fibre, and natural sugars. They include apples, bananas, berries and more. These foods help children grow, boost their immune systems, and maintain overall health. By offering a variety of fruits, we can ensure that kids get foods that are healthy while satisfying their taste buds.


Vegetables are an essential component of a child's diet. Carrots, broccoli, and spinach are just a few examples that contain high vitamins and minerals. These veggies can be added to meals or served as snacks to support growth and development.

3.Whole Grains

Whole grains like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oats are rich in fibre. Fibers are also considered to be foods that are healthy because they provide lasting energy for active children. Not only do whole grains keep kids feeling full, but they also promote healthy digestion.

4.Lean Proteins

Proteins from sources such as chicken, turkey, and beans are fundamental for building and repairing muscles. These protein-rich foods offer essential nutrients like iron and zinc, helping kids stay strong and active.

5.Dairy Products

Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, and cheese are packed with calcium, a vital nutrient for building strong bones and teeth. Dairy foods that are healthy for kids include low-fat or non-fat versions. They include low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) yoghurt, cottage cheese, or milk. Choosing them keeps saturated fat in check while supporting bone health in children.

6.Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds, offer healthy fats, protein, and various vitamins. These nutrient-packed snacks promote brain health, provide quick energy, and enhance overall nutrition.


Eggs are a versatile source of protein, offering essential amino acids and various vitamins and minerals. They help children grow and maintain their body's tissues and functions.


Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These beneficial fats are crucial for brain development and function, making fish an essential addition to a child's diet, ideally at least twice a week.


Legumes, which include beans, lentils, and chickpeas, are excellent sources of plant-based protein, fibre, and numerous nutrients. They promote healthy digestion and provide sustained energy.


While water may often be overlooked, it is one of the most critical components of a child's diet. It keeps kids hydrated, aids digestion, and helps regulate body temperature. Regular water intake is essential to maintain overall health.

Related readings:6 Benefits of Eating a Balanced Diet


Recommended Multivitamin Supplements for Children

1.GNC – Children's Chewable Multivitamin Natural Berry Flavor 60 Tablets

<a href="https://gogoherbs.com/en/product/gnc079">GNC – Children's Chewable Multivitamin Natural Berry Flavor 60 Tablets</a>
GNC – Children's Chewable Multivitamin Natural Berry Flavor 60 Tablets

Nourish your child's potential with the GNC's Children's Chewable Multivitamin! It's the tasty path to their bright, healthy future. Bursting with 20 essential nutrients, it's the daily health boost they'll love. From strong bones to sharp minds, this natural berry-flavoured multivitamin supports it all. Plus, it's gluten and dairy-free with no artificial flavours or colours. The product is ideal for children aged 2-12.  


  • Contains 20 essential nutrients for growth
  • Suitable for 2 years old or above
  • Helps children's overall health and development
  • Free of artificial flavours, colours, dairy ingredients and gluten


2.ProVen – Children's Nutritional Supplement (Probiotics + Multivitamins) Natural Blackcurrant Flavor Chewable Tablets 30 Tablets

<a href="https://gogoherbs.com/en/product/pvn008">ProVen – Children's Nutritional Supplement (Probiotics + Multivitamins) Natural Blackcurrant Flavor Chewable Tablets 30 Tablets</a>
ProVen – Children's Nutritional Supplement (Probiotics + Multivitamins) Natural Blackcurrant Flavor Chewable Tablets 30 Tablets

The ProVen Children's Nutritional Supplement is your child's secret weapon for growth and well-being. These chewable tablets are more than a delicious treat; they're packed with Lab4 probiotics, fortifying their tummies, boosting immunity, and aiding nutrient absorption. But that's not all – ProVen also delivers crucial multivitamins, including Vitamin B, for sharp eyes, strong bones, and mental health. It still doesn't stop there; essential trace elements like calcium, magnesium, and zinc support strong bones and dental health. And the best part? No artificial colours or preservatives, just a natural blackcurrant flavour that's as safe as it is delicious.


  • Contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients
  • Maintains intestinal health and enhances immunity
  • Helps intestinal absorption of nutrients
  • Supports healthy nervous system, mental and emotional development


3.Soria Natural – Children's Immune Boosting Oral Solution 150ml

<a href="https://gogoherbs.com/en/product/snl009">Soria Natural –  Children's Immune Boosting Oral Solution 150ml</a>
Soria Natural – Children's Immune Boosting Oral Solution 150ml

Soria Natural brings you Defense KidZ 150 ml – the power for your child's immunity! With natural ingredients such as propolis, echinacea and added vitamins, this product's formula works magic to bolster your child's defences. The product is perfect for kids with weaker immune systems, those who often fall sick, or those battling nasal allergies. Kids love this one because the delicious blackcurrant flavour is surely a delight for the taste buds. It's not just a supplement; it's a superpower for your child's health.


  • Helps relieve allergies and tracheal discomfort symptoms
  • Strengthens children's immunity
  • Contains propolis and various vitamins to help build a healthy immune system


How to Encourage Healthy Eating in Children

Encouraging healthy eating habits in children can sometimes be challenging. However, we must do it because it's essential for their long-term health. Here are some simple tips for fostering good eating practices:

1.Be a Role Model

Children often mimic the behaviour of adults. If they see you enjoying healthy foods, they are more likely to follow suit.

2. Involve Children in Meal Planning

Allow kids to participate in meal planning and preparation. This can make them more excited about trying new foods

3.Make Healthy Foods Fun

Get creative with healthy foods. Use cookie cutters to make fruit and vegetable shapes, or arrange food on the plate to resemble a smiley face.

4. Limit Sugary Drinks

Limit the consumption of sugary beverages like soda and fruit juices. Encourage water, milk, or flavoured water as healthier alternatives.

5.Set Regular Meal Times

Establish regular meal times and avoid skipping meals. Consistency in eating schedules helps maintain stable energy levels.

6.Avoid Using Food as a Reward

Try not to use food as a reward or punishment. This can lead to unhealthy relationships with food.

7.Gradual Introductions

If a child is resistant to certain foods, introduce them gradually and without pressure. It may take several attempts before a new food is accepted.

8.Be Patient

Children's tastes can change over time. A food they dislike today may become a favourite in the future. Be patient and open to their evolving preferences.


GogoHerbs is one of Hong Kong's fastest-growing online stores, providing customers with premium health and wellness products. We help customers with handpicked vitamins and minerals and herbal and functional food products that are pure and effective for overall health and wellness. Available Evening Primrose Oil supplements on the gogostore include quality products from some of the reputable health brands around the world. Our expert team selects each supplement for young and older adults with mild or serious health challenges. All handpicked supplements are safe and legally certified.

Michael Yeung
Author: Michael Yeung

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